Posts Tagged ‘Outdoors’


BigCutie VeeLynn in Waning Winter!

VeeLynn has loved this winter; there hasn’t been a lot of snow in her area, but lots of freezing cold temps and sparkly frost, and to celebrate the coming spring, she decided to bring you along for a trek around...


BigCutie Clementine in Snow Day!

Clementine has loved every snow day she’s gotten this long winter!! The temps fall, but so do this fat babe’s clothes, because she loves to tease you! She’s out in the latest snowfall, and having a blast, come join her!...


BigCutie Beccabae in Jacuzzi Cutie!

Beccabae loves being in the water in general, but with this crazy winter weather, she soaked up every second she could of this jacuzzi time!! This bathing suit used to stay down over her soft belly, and the shorts…well they...


BigCutie Ellie in Pudgy Playground!

Ellie has taken a trek to her childhood playground, and she knew she’d be way bigger now, but she was surprised at just how big she was compared to all the equipment! She couldn’t fit down the slide, she was...

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