Posts Tagged ‘Big Girl-Small Things’

BigCutie Eve in Gobble til you Wobble! Video Update!
Eve isn’t doing all the cooking this year for Thanksgiving! She’s off to pick up all the yummy food she ordered for her feast, but along the way, she’s just so hungry…she’s GOTTA stop and get some pre-dinner food along...

BigCutie Eve in Smashing Pumpkins! Video Update!
Eve had a lovely day at the pumpkin patch, but she couldn’t help but to be drawn to these 3 pumpkins! They are just so round, and so similar in size….to the head of a sturdy young volunteer! She had...

BigCutie Jazz in Chair Despair! Video Update!
This chair claimed it could hold Jazz, but it just felt SO TINY underneath all that gorgeous ass! It held her up, but it didn’t take many light bounces to put it to the true test…how do you think it...

BigCutie Jolene in Jolly Mean Giant!
Oh, hey there, tiny! Jolene sees you down there, staring up at her giant sexy body, and you better watch out, you just might get stepped on! Jolene will save you, she’ll pick you up and nestle you somewhere soft...