Posts Tagged ‘Fat Chat’


BigCutie Jazz in Housework Hottie! Video Update!

BigCutie Jazz is making her housework rounds, and today it’s time to scrub a dub the bathroom! She thought you’d get a kick out of seeing what it’s like for her big sexy body in motion as she’s keeping her...


BigCutie Gigi in Squeeze In Swimsuit Struggle! Video Update!

Gigi is so excited for your Valentine’s Day spa getaway, she got a brand new one piece swimsuit to wear just for you! It took her a long time to find one that would hug her perfect fat body just...


BigCutie Eve in Red Hot Struggle! Video Update!

Eve is headed to a Valentine’s Day party, and she wants to wear something red, but she doesn’t have a ton of red clothes, except for these red jeans! Surely you remember these, she wiggled into them once before for...


BigCutie Ellie in Your Valentine Vixen! Video Update!

Ellie is so excited for your Valentine’s date, she’s getting ready and wants you to watch as she wiggles into her little black dress just for you! So much soft belly to love on later, let’s get this date started!...

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