Posts Tagged ‘Busting the Seams’

BigCutie Eve in Car Trouble! Video Update!
Eve has been out getting lots of tasty groceries, and she wants to show you just what a workout it is to get all that luscious ass into and out of the car! How about you get those groceries in...

BigCutie Brianna: Bri Bursts Becca’s Jeans! What a difference 200lbs makes! Video Update!
Brianna couldn’t believe how small Beccabae’s jeans looked compared to hers, so she just had to try them on! This was the size Brianna wore when she started her gaining journey, and these are just not gonna work on Brianna’s...

BigCutie Brianna in Splittin’ Seams!
A sweet fan sent Brianna this new top, but all those new pounds and inches have these seams already straining!! She loves sharing and showing off her bigger growing body! See this set and more at...

BigCutie Sadie in These Pants Had NO Chance!
Sadie used to wear these pants all the time, and she was so excited to shoot a too tight set for you, but these pants just couldn’t handle her bigger, softer hips! See this set and more at...