Posts Tagged ‘Fat Chat’
BigCutie Bonnie in Getting Stuck: Disney Paris and Planes!
Bonnie is telling you all about her recent decision to fly to Disney Paris again, and see if she could still ride all the rides she’s used to! She tells you all about traveling as a much fatter babe these...
BigCutie Bonnie in Cake Thief! Video Update!
Bonnie is acting out another fat fantasy for you! She knows the cakes and chips are supposed to be for her friends’ party later, but she can’t help it, they are just calling her name!! She hides out in her...
BigCutie Ash in Spring Weigh-In! Video Update!
Ash is back with a weigh in for you! She has a hard time getting on the scale because her stance is so wide, but she’s figured out how to get on it and make it work so she can...
BigCutie MsFatBooty in Food Sneak!! Video Update!
MsFatBooty has always been sneaky with her food, taking extra treats, eating lots of secret snacks and more! She tells you all about her food sneaking history, and how she still does it now! See this update and more at...